It’s science. When the stakes are high and it really matters, your brain blocks access to your executive function. Clear decision-making, problem-solving, creativity, and short-term memory are now all out of reach — exactly when you need them the most. The big, meaningful change you want – like that promotion, leadership opportunity, entrepreneurial leap, or divorce – is at stake and depends on you stepping out of your comfort zone to negotiate for your future. There’s a lot to gain and even more to lose, so, it’s no wonder your mind perceives it as risk. So, let’s dial that pressure down and tune into your creative strengths instead. Learn to work with your brain to be authentic, confident, and powerful — in any situation.
What do you feel about roller coasters? It’s a love or hate relationship and usually for the same reasons. It requires you to let go of control and not know what’s next. That’s either terrifying or freeing, based on your perception. Change is life’s roller coaster. Your perception of it as happening to you or for you impacts your energy, choices, and outcomes. And, scientifically, your mind can’t distinguish between what’s real and what’s imagined. So, when your mind believes its own fear-based perceptions, your brain makes them real in your body through stress hormones, like cortisol and adrenaline, to keep you going in circles. Your body’s natural threat response isn’t supposed to be switched on all the time. So, never getting off that roller coaster creates dissonance, disorder, and disease that negatively impacts your physical, mental, spiritual, and financial health.
I love words and I absolutely adore the word — coddiwomple — which means to “travel purposefully toward an as-yet-unknown destination.” Life is a collection of iterative, learning experiences with each one informing the next. You can’t know what’s in your future — and you don’t have to because you’re creating it right now. You only have to be pointed in the right direction and trust yourself. The Brainwise Coaching Method was designed to help you do just that, with specific emphasis on the inevitable bumps and bears you will run into along the way. It mirrors the natural learning process of the brain to challenge perception, disrupt self-sabotage, create self-trust, and redefine relationship with change. Once you’re on the path of positive change, brain-body-bio hacks and feel good hormones reinforce it. Now, you’re in the driver’s seat to show up, stand out, negotiate, and lead with confidence and authenticity when it matters most.
As a coach, consultant, mediator, business owner, mom, & MS warrior, I know high-stakes change. I left the chronic stress of my marriage & Corporate America. I launched my business without a safety net. And I navigate MS every day. When I was diagnosed, my Neurologist warned me I could wake up one morning and not be able to walk. So, I had to let go of future what if’s to make the most out of right now. Working with my brain has kept me in remission since 2016. It makes this work highly personal for me. I can’t know or control future outcomes, but I don’t have to. I trust that the choices I make today create the future I want tomorrow. YOU CAN TOO.