Elections ask the fundamental question: what do you care about? And the message from this election is clear.

Money wins.

The majority of voters in America demonstrated that they care more about paying less for a box of cereal than they do about women dying. They don’t care about politicians and evangelicals thinking they know more than doctors. They don’t care about women being stripped of their agency and bodily autonomy. They don’t care about women. Even the majority of women don’t care about women.

I didn’t need this election to tell me that. Women don’t have equal rights in the United States. The Equal Rights Amendment was passed in 1972, only fully ratified in 2020, and still isn’t a part of our Constitution. I’ll give you one guess as to which President blocked it. And there’s no rioting in the streets.

The real kicker here is that MONEY DOESN’T EVEN EXIST. It hasn’t been backed by the gold standard since 1971. It’s just metal, paper, and numbers on a screen that’s only backed by collective belief. And that belief is powered by survival instinct. It puts power and control into the hands of those who have it and takes it away from those who don’t. It’s why free markets and trickle-down economics don’t work. They make the rich richer and the young, the old, the poor, and the sick even more vulnerable. Survival of the fittest. Good luck.

Most people believe their way through life rather than acknowledge the hard truths of what money (as power and control) actually creates in their own backyards. War. Climate change. Sex trafficking. Kids in cages. Women dying because doctors aren’t legally allowed to treat them. The rich don’t have to think about those things. Their money gives them a get out of jail free card – which means they will never experience the consequences or bear responsibility for their choices. We do.

From my perspective, this election has never been about Republicans and Democrats. It’s always been about the 1% owning the news, fueling fear, and dividing our country to gain even more wealth, power, and control for themselves. They think they know more about the purpose of our lives than we do. Human beings are resources to be used as workers, consumers, and soldiers – and let’s not forget baby-makers because America is famous for burning resources out of existence. And people don’t want to be unplugged from The Matrix. They make fear of the unknown bigger and more powerful than themselves.

For decades, the legal system has been manipulated to give corporations more power and control over individuals. Little by little, they are being unshackled from limitations related to political spending, the corporate tax rate, and pesky regulations related to public health and safety. And without limitations, they can charge whatever they want for that box of cereal. And they have. Since the Pandemic, unchecked corporate price gouging has been impacting the American wallet far more than inflation, but no one wants to believe it. The Republican party has always been a tool for big business. And now, without any checks or balances, all bets are off. This election is the most expensive box of cereal ever purchased and the cost will be in lives.

Women are vulnerable. Without equality and equity, we have always been at a strategic disadvantage. Before 1974, we couldn’t get a credit card in our own name. And when a man co-signed for us, it increased his credit score, not ours. We weren’t allowed to have one. Even today, women have a lower lifetime earning potential than men. Take the gender pay gap, for example. Extrapolate it over a 45-year career, without any retroactive adjustments, women earn just under $1.5 million dollars that they will never receive, can’t save, invest or accrue compound interest over time. That’s a lot of money women are leaving on the table. Why give women equal pay though, when we work just as hard without it? In our earn and deserve judgment culture, blame and shame keeps us on the hamster wheel.

And did you know that marriage is just a legal contract tying you and your husband together financially? Once married, all the money you earn will also be his. It doesn’t matter who earned it or whose name is on the bank account. Historically, marriage made women property. And even though that isn’t the case anymore, it is still used for control. And in this day and age, it’s sold to women as love. Isn’t it crazy how love and control can get so confused? The only place where women are treated equally in this country is divorce court. So, if you out-earn your husband by working a lot harder for the same buck, it will all be equalized in court. A sweet deal for him and a punishment for you.

We can’t assume the few rights we have gained over the last 50 years are inviolate. No one thought our national abortion rights could be taken away and look how easy it was. It’s a slippery slope and we know where this is going. We can’t change the country, the government, or big business. We can’t change people’s minds. We can create our own FINANCIAL FREEDOM though. When we make FINANCIAL FREEDOM our agenda, we create more opportunities for ourselves. We make more money and we protect it with sole access to our cash, credit, and bank accounts. We fight for our independence and leave anyone or anything that doesn’t value us. And we support all those other women, who feel just as betrayed as we do right now, to do the same.

And we have to DO IT NOW before it’s too late.

So, if you want that raise, promotion, or new job – do it now.

Establish yourself as a leader – do it now.

Start or scale a business – do it now.

Get divorced – do it now. (You know this one is already on the chopping block, right?)

If you are reeling from this election like me, it means we are in the minority. We don’t have to be or act small though. Living through this means we have to make ourselves so big, everything else (including this election) is small in comparison. We have to silence the inner critics, get out of fight-flight-freeze-fawn, and DO IT NOW. We need to find one another, connect, create alliances, and support one another. Working together is how we are individually and collectively empowered. And when I say support, I don’t mean superficial words and a pat on the back. We need to walk our talk by showing up for each other and connecting each other with opportunity.

So, if you care about what I’ve written, don’t just read it and move on. Please like, share, and comment. (Do you realize how much that means to small business owners?) Be a part of this conversation. This is your invitation. My door is open.

I want women to win.

That’s what I care about.

Originally published on LinkedIn on 11/7/2024.



Take back your power.

Divorce is overwhelming. You are trying to move forward in the face of immense loss, anxiety, and fear, but the strongest women quickly learn how to take back the power in their life. They turn what most people think of as a tragedy into something wonderfully transformative and life-changing.

In the first stages of getting divorced, you may feel vulnerable and alone, caught up in a process you don’t understand and can’t control. You don’t know what’s up ahead, and all of that not knowing is a scary, powerless place to be.

You may also feel powerless in a world that equates divorce with failure. You must somehow be broken, society seems to say, because why else would your marriage be ending?

Those self-limiting beliefs wrap you up in paralyzing blankets of guilt and shame, turning you into your own greatest obstacle in your divorce … if you let them.

You don’t have to, though. There is a path forward, and it’s one only you can create.

It requires you to challenge your fears, question your beliefs and trust in your own power.

Once you’ve invested in yourself and are on your path, nothing will stop you.

You won’t allow the chaos around you to impact the peace within you any longer. You won’t allow anything to deter you from creating what you want. You won’t wait for other people to make it happen.

And from this place, being divorced will no longer seem terrible or tragic. It’s the springboard you needed dive off from in order to reinvent and transform your life!

To help you start along your own path, here are 6 things strong women do in order to turn obstacles into opportunities and move on with life after divorce.

1. They shift their perspective

If you focus on the obstacles in your divorce, you make them appear more powerful to you than yourself, and you will be so distracted by them, you’ll never see opportunities as they arise.

What you believe, you make true, so shift your perspective.

Divorce gives you the gifts of choice, freedom, and opportunity, so you don’t have to stay handcuffed to an unfulfilling marriage.

You aren’t a victim of this process. Divorce is an opportunity to learn how powerful and resilient you really are. It’s an opportunity to use challenge for growth, evolution, reinvention and transformation.

Your divorce is an investment – of time, money, energy and effort – in yourself, so choose a perspective that empowers you.

2. They let go of the past

You thought you knew what your marriage was going to be, but then it didn’t go the way you thought or hoped it would.

You were so certain you knew. You dove right in, head-first, with all of those fairy-tale ideas of happily ever after.

If all of that was just make-believe, what else isn’t true? Who are you now? Do you know anymore?

More than any other time in your life, divorce gives you the opportunity to reevaluate and redefine yourself as separate from the chaos around you. You are not defined by your past or your circumstances. You don’t have to allow society, this divorce, or even your own inner critics to minimize you. You don’t have to blindly accept other people’s beliefs as your own.

Be truly present NOW. Your past is gone. Let it go. You are only truly powerful NOW. So, BREATHE to center yourself and gain clarity. Use this guide to find the technique that works for you:  Breathing Techniques: A Guide to the Science and Methods.  Connect with your breath to align your mind, body and spirit.

Question your own beliefs … and if they don’t serve you, change them. Let go of what you think you know and choose what you want instead.

You choose who you want to be and what you want your life to be. You don’t need to play follow the leader anymore. You are the leader.

3. They learn to believe in themselves

Scientifically, your mind can’t distinguish between what is imagined and what is real, and if your mind believes what you imagine is real, it will help make it real.

When you have positive beliefs about yourself, your mind floods your body with feel-good chemicals like serotonin and dopamine. And guess what? Negative beliefs can cause your mind to flood your body with depressive chemicals.

Professional athletes from Jack Nicklaus to Muhammad Ali have used the power of visualization and belief to improve performance, because they know that mental rehearsal is just as important as physical training. Using visualization to achieve goals is now more mainstream than ever … and you can apply these techniques in any part of our life. Use this detailed step-by-step guide to visualization to get started!

Regardless of what is happening around you in your life or in this divorce, you have enormous power in choosing how you want to experience it, how you want to be with it, and how you want to use it moving forward.

You are powerful. Believe in yourself. Trust you can handle anything that comes your way. Let your mind make that your reality!

4. They learn how to negotiate in their divorce

When you are in the challenging divorce process, your immediate goal is to be divorced. You’ve gotten on that plane. You’re trusting some unseen pilot to get you there.

Where? Oh, you don’t know the destination. You don’t know the route. You don’t know how long it will take. You’re just hoping you will land in a better place than where you are now.

Sometimes, it is, but most of the time, it’s not. Why? Your goal is not just to be divorced.

The real goal of this negotiation is to fund your future, both in the decisions you make with your divorce and those you’ll make moving forward.

So, what is your ideal future? Who are you in that future? What are you doing? What is your life like?

What are you negotiating for in your divorce to create it? It’s up to you to chart the path ahead. And you’re the only pilot who can get you there.

5. They take charge of their own future

Beautiful woman, you are the power of creation. You create life, give birth, nurture, and protect – and now is the time to do that for yourself.

The choices you make today create the future you want tomorrow and change happens step by step.

What can you do right now to get you one small step closer to the future you want? You don’t have to know what that path looks like from start to finish, you just have to take one small step now. And you don’t have to have all the answers yet either. Every step will inform and empower the next one. You are experiencing, learning, and growing along the way.

Every small choice you make in service of that future vision adds up to create it. How will you know you’re there? It might not look exactly like you thought it would, but man, it feels fantastic.

You are happy. You are at peace. You are free. That’s how you know.

And look, nobody else got you here but you!

6. They invest in themselves

Your divorce challenged you, but it also showed you your strengths. It forced you to create clarity from confusion. And it required you to use your voice and negotiate for what you want.

So, now what? This is your opportunity to align your newfound strengths with your passions and purpose, and monetize it! Divorce can give you the courage, the confidence and the push you need to truly invest in yourself and make decisions that will positively impact your future. It will give you the chance to put aside time, effort, and energy to do the things that you want to do. To focus on your happiness for the coming years.

It’s easy to see divorce as an important part of your life that is ending, but it’s so much more than that!

Don’t think of divorce as a chapter closing; think of it as another chapter of your life beginning. You are a strong woman, and you will be able to get through your divorce and use it as an opportunity to lay out your goals for the future. Using these tips, you’ll be able to give back to yourself and take charge of your new life.